Newsletter Update: The Final Teaching with Ben de Silva

Hello Everyone,

We enjoyed our time in Washington with very dear friends Mark and Susan Taylor, and are now in Bend, Oregon, our old stamping ground. It’s good to be back in this outstandingly beautiful part of the country and to spend time with our jnani friends, especially our host Dave Coryell from whose home we will be holding our Sunday Zoom Satsang, with Ben de Silva as our guest.

Ben will begin his talk by analyzing the mortal-immortal technique of Vedanta. After that, we’ll proceed with the full Nididhyasanam. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their thoughts. Finally, we’ll conclude with Purnamadah.

Join the Zoom Meeting at 7pm Madrid time:

Meeting ID: 834 616 7587

Passcode: 2023

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