My Jiva and I are Both Free; I am Freedom Itself

Hi Ramji!

            It has been nearly a year since I have last emailed you and/or spoke to you. We did have a couple of Zoom meetings together last year. I do not expect you to remember those. I do have something to share with you, and I would like to know your thoughts on my reasoning. I know that everything in this creation belongs to Isvara, even thoughts, feelings, senses, and actions – even likes and dislikes (vasanas) and the body. So none of this Is mine because I am the Self. I know this is discriminating between satya and mithya; however, since there is only the Self, there is no satya or mithya (or Isvara) – or ignorance. So there is nothing to discriminate. I guess what I am saying is that discriminating between satya and mithya is a tool, which brings detachment from what seems to be apparently happening, whether that is thought, feeling, action, sensing, aversion, or desiring (or typing this email). That detachment leads to the knowledge that there is nothing happening and nothing to detach from. There is only Self (I did not type the Self because placing “the” in front of Self seems to make Self an object); therefore, there is nothing to discriminate. Discrimination is a tool to prepare the mind for the simple and profound truth that there is nothing to discriminate. There is only Self. That’s it. I can’t discriminate Self because I Am whole and complete. So discrimination falls away. Whole, complete, blissful, ordinary, non-dual, actionless, limitless, unconcerned, pure, awareness/consciousness alone has been, is, and will always be. Self is all there is. However, this is subtle knowledge that can only be grasped by a qualified and prepared mind; hence, dharma yoga, karma yoga, upasana yoga, jnana yoga, and values are prescribed to apparently seeking persons. 

Funny thing, when there was apparent bondage, there was no discrimination. Now that there is apparent freedom, there is no discrimination. After all, there was never any bondage and no need for freedom. 

Just to catch you up on what has apparently transpired over the last year.  I am still pastoring part-time a very conservative fundamentalist church.  So I have to teach/preach devotion to a personal God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, but the values I teach/preach I make sure are non-dual values, which the teachings of Jesus tend to be anyway when interpreted through a non-dual lens. I am also a Life Coach and I share Vedanta on instagram for fun. That’s about it. My jiva moves in a lot of roles. All is trusted to Isvara. Of course, my jiva and I are both free these days. LOL! 

I love you Ramji. Thank you for being my teacher. 

Hi Ben,

I think of you fondly and often and nothing makes me happier than to hear The Good News from you.  I could not have expressed the essence of the teaching better myself.  Sincere and committed, you’re the best kind of student who isn’t a student.  I think there is a parable in the Bible about a starving lion who couldn’t hunt because a thorn had infected his paw.  Seeing his predicament a man removed the first thorn with another thorn and threw them both away.  Discrimination produces knowledge, which removes ignorance leaving existence shining as consciousness alone.  Nothing to remember, nothing to discriminate.  It is all me.  In so far as there is a world it shines after me as me, reflecting my glory. 

Your approach to life is intelligent and admirable.  The Gita says, “let not the wise unsettle the minds of the ignorant” (with the doctrine)  but embody the non-dual values of Christ.  Jesus was a non-dualist.  How a believer cannot see it and reason from there boggles the mind, but there you are.

Much love,


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