Much Less of an Ass

Jack: Hey, Ramji!

I went to a lot of your seminars in the last year. This last month has been great for my Vedanta understanding, yet there is some crud still really getting in the way it seems. It would be super cool to get some insights from you on certain things. As my wisdom grows, I would like to be able to confidently explain some of this to people who might be interested one day. From the truth of this teaching, I have seen some of the peace it can bring in the heat of this world. I would surely be more motivated to donate to ShiningWorld if you wouldn’t mind messaging me every now and then. It would be cool to hear from you. I am so grateful for what you have already taught me and how much less of an ass I have become because of you. I do understand you must be busy, so if you don’t have the time, that’s rad too. ☺

Thank you.

 Hi, Jack.

Lovely to hear from you and very nice to hear that you have become much less of an ass as a result of the teaching, although you never were ass-like to me. I always saw you as great guy! I don’t think you probably have any questions about the teaching itself. Maybe just how to apply the knowledge? If you have questions about the teaching, there are tons of information in my books, videos and the website. But if you want personal guidance, I do donation-based Skype chats that are very helpful. it seems. Here’s how it works:

Skype Satsang with James or Sundari

Vedanta doesn’t work properly without the help of a qualified teacher. While qualified inquirers will definitely benefit from the books, videos, website and seminars, occasionally questions arise that can only be resolved by personal contact with the teacher. Now that we are settled in Spain, ShiningWorld is pleased to offer donation-based Skype satsangs with James/Ramji and Sundari.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.” – Swami Chinmayananda

If you are new to Vedanta, you need to know that Vedanta only works for mature people who know that fixing the ego’s problems is not a solution. Only when an individual entertains the right self-concept are psychological problems resolved. We are happy to briefly hear your story to get an idea of your qualifications but only offer suggestions in keeping with the teaching itself.

Keeping in mind that we are situated in Spain (European Standard Time), we are available between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm and from 8:00 to 10:00 pm most days. To schedule, contact Sundari at or James/Ramji at Once we agree on a date, make a donation at the website.

 You are correct, I wonder how to apply it. It’s funny how questions answer themselves sooner than later. (It would also be cool to explain it and see if there is anything I get wrong.) I would love to set up a Skype chat some time. I am getting a tablet soon, so I’ll wait a week or two to get that and then try and set something up.

Much gratitude.

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