Mighty Mountain Thinks

“They were sailing on, appreciating but ignoring me. 
I was only an idea in their minds.
I was smiling, but they couldn’t see my smile. 
Blinders on, they rowed straight ahead.
determined to getto where they were already.

They could have turned, faced me,
and smiled but they were serious.
They needed a belief. 

Seeing me always,
you smile because you know me.
You won’t believe in me again.
Think like me and be happy.

You’re always happy because?

Because I know there is an upside for every downside.
Seeing upside’s downside, you bless yourself with
moments of unhappy stretching back to childhood.

For business reasons
you cleverly objectify them.
Bad luck makes sense.
Objecti-fyers love you for it.
“Brave,” they say, 
and you feel good.

Turn, face me, and discover
that I live without breathing.
If not, see that
you breathe without living. 

Everything is backward in your world.

If you don’t ask who I am,
without sorrow I feel sorry for you
because you are convinced you know me.
But you don’t.   

Who are you then?

I am the one that thinks the thinker,
feels the feeler, does the doer,
sees the seer and
puts the love in love.

I am the beauty that makes
beauty beautiful and
the ugly that makes ugly ugly.

Any advice?

Think like me.
Don’t be in a hurry but  
say with easy confidence,
“I was never born.
It is impossible to worry.”

Mean it.

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