Live Stream – Yoga & Vedanta – Bayreuth, 10th – 12th November 2023

Dear Friends,

This weekend I will teach Yoga and Vedanta in Bayreuth. As you probably know Yoga and Vedanta is not the same but it is also not different. How exactly is it not the same, and how is it not different? Here’s a little excerpt from my book on Patanjali Yoga Sutras, called the “Power of Know”:

“Fifty-three years ago, at the tender age of twenty-seven, inspired by an epiphany, I set off for India to “find myself,” which perhaps sounds rather comical these days. After practicing kundalini yoga and experiencing higher states of consciousness too numerous to mention for several years, I missed an essential fact that truth-seekers of every generation seem to miss: the distinction between knowledge and action. Mostly we are doers trying to get what we don’t have or avoid what we don’t want. When we try to apply the action model to the search for truth, we always come up short, because the freedom we seek is the very nature of the seeker himself or herself. The message of these commentaries on the Yoga Sutras makes it clear that there need be no conflict between what we do and what we know. Rightly understood, only a path that combines experience and knowledge leads to the transcendent freedom of which the sage Patanjali speaks. This book is dedicated to doers and thinkers everywhere who are trying to release themselves from the sense of limitation and inadequacy that bedevils every human heart.”

Live at the Bayreuth Yoga Vidya Center 50,00, to register send an email to Shambu –

If you would like to join online, send a donation of 50,00 Euro to cover the technical costs to and let Georg at know about it.


Ramji and Sundari

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