Shining World

Link to Youtube Video of Trout Lake Seminar 2022

As usual, those of you who signal your commitment to Vedanta with regular donations as required by the tradition are most welcome to watch in order the 22 hours of selected Bhagavad Gita teachings on the nature and worship of Isvara (God) filmed last week at the 20th Annual Trout Lake seminar.
“The Heart that Gives, Gathers” – Lao Tzu.

Those who find the meager offerings of modern “Advaita” teachings insufficient and are still seeking a viable path to the freedom that is unconditional love are also welcome to view these videos, keeping in mind that they are offered by ShiningWorld on a donation basis. 
Considerable time and money is always lovingly invested in all ShiningWorld offerings.  This series on the knowledge and love of God (Isvara) is no exception.  It is only common sense dharma that viewers reciprocate according their means.  Not only does it further the dissemination of this truly effective time-tested means of Self realization that benefits inquirers worldwide, giving is good for the giver.  Please donate generously.
Link to the video series:
For the text and teacher’s outline that accompany this wonderful offering click here:
Note:  The 5 uploaded videos as of September 6 are enough to get you started.  I will continue to upload one or two every day until the series is complete.  Please watch them in order as each teaching builds on the preceeding teaching.  No skipping.
James and Sundari

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