Knowing Is Not Enough

Student: Dearest Ramji, thank you again for this great gift you shared with us! The teachings in Spain were wonderful! Thanks, Isvara! The teaching was “I am bliss.” I knew it all along because the Self was revealed a long time ago, yet still the feeling of loneliness and emptiness have been a shadow following me, showing up now and then. For how long have I been searching for the truth? A long, long time.

To understand that I am bliss is easy and hard work too. I can see it clearly now. It sinks in slowly. Thanks so much. The seminar was a tremendous gift: you, Ramji, the people, the environment. Much love to Sundari. I love you. Blessings and a big hug.

Ramji: Yes, you knew who you were for a long time but now you know that you are not really free until you experience yourself as bliss all the time. Knowledge is never enough. It needs bliss, the Self loving itself. So there is work to do, once you know. What is the work? Letting the doer die because your Self-knowledge is unshakable. If you know and keep the doer with its desire for love, you haven’t really understood. The doer is never blissful. It chases bliss. It clings to bliss. And bliss runs from it. It is never satisfied. Freedom is freedom from the doer, the “you” you have kept alive with hope for so long. See as awareness sees. Be as existence is. Stand as, not in, bliss.

Skype Satsang with James or Sundari

Vedanta doesn’t work properly without the help of a qualified teacher. While qualified inquirers will definitely benefit from the books, videos, website and seminars, occasionally questions arise that can only be resolved by personal contact with the teacher. Now that we are settled in Spain, ShiningWorld is pleased to offer donation-based Skype satsangs with James/Ramji and Sundari.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.” – Swami Chinmayananda

If you are new to Vedanta, you need to know that Vedanta only works for mature people who know that fixing the ego’s problems is not a solution. Only when an individual entertains the right self-concept are psychological problems resolved. We are happy to briefly hear your story to get an idea of your qualifications but only offer suggestions in keeping with the teaching itself.

Keeping in mind that we are situated in Spain (European Standard Time), we are available between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm and from 8:00 to 10:00 pm most days. To schedule, contact Sundari at or James/Ramji at Once we agree on a date, make a donation at the website.

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