Shining World

Isvara’s Reaction – A Brilliant Virus

This satsang is part 2 of yesterday’s satsang entitled “Stand up and Fight!”  Stay tuned for part 3

X:  Hi James,

Thank you very much for your inputs!!  It all seems to boil down to the role of the teacher as Isvara. This is definitely a topic not yet digested according to what you write. Corona seems to be a brilliant virus. It brings everything to the surface – and produces huge conflicts. 😉  I feel completely devoted to advaita/vedanta  -and it did change my life – but not to a person. True.

So far I haven’t seen you so radically in this tradional role of a guru.

I have to dwell on it and stay honest before I can answer.

So you say that what you think about the virus and the vaccionation is the (Mythia) truth?

James:  I love you, man! What a nice reedition!  I thought maybe you’d sulk.  The key to freedom is Isvara.  There is only one Existence shining as Awareness and it is called Isvara.  We can call it God.  So the idea is that there is nothing special about James as isvara.  Everyone is Isvara.  You, me, your friends, the government, the virus, Vedanta, your past, the rules of life….absolutely everything.  So how does someone who knows this fact feel?  He or she feels open and free, dispassionate and humble.  He or she is not bothered by the desires and fears that arise in the mind.   He or she accepts what is (please read my book Existence Shining as Awareness).  He or she takes the feelings and thoughts of others into consideration because they are Isvara.  He or she loves everythi9ng that is because it is not different from his or her self, which is Isvara.  Don’t you love yourself more than anything?  Of course you do.  So if someone…anyone…says that you aren’t welcome into their home unless you are vaccinated, you are very happy to hear iit.  Even if you aren’t happy to hear it, you love Isvara for giving you that information.  You think about it.  You think, “So Isvara doesn’t think it’s a good idea for me to go hear Isvara teach Vedanta, which I absolutely love.  I wonder why?  Am I just a stubborn fool caught up in the hysteria of the times?  Maybe someone there has the virus and I will catch it from them and get long covid and suffer a lot and Isvara loves me so much It wants to protect me.  How great is Isvara!  I’m so grateful to James for telling Sundari that I wasn’t welcome.  James is a good guy.  He’s helped me a lot.  I’m glad he told me off, sent me that insulting letter, chiding me about my weak mind and my spoiled sense of entitlement.  He’s a clear minded person.  He’s Isvara, just like I’m Isvara.   I’m ashamed of myself for being so arrogant.  But I love myself for taking his letter in a positive way, and for thanking him for the wake-up call.  That’s the Isvara part of me.  I love Isvara.  I love myself.  Maybe I am a coward.  The vaccine works.  Social distancing works.  Masks work.  isvara as science…statistics…tells us that.  Thanks for science.  God is great.  Maybe I won’t die from the vaccine.  Etc. Etc. 

Or if you think that James is a power tripping arrogant guru who won’t let me, one of his best devotees come to hear him teach the wonderful Vedanta.  He thinks he’s God, that arrogant sun-of a bitch!   See, just like I thought all those fucking gurus are corrupt.  He’s an asshole.”  That’s Isvara too  Isn’t that funny!.  Life is such a paradox.  My mind is so confused.  Good thing I’m not my mind.  Good think I’m the Awareness that watches the stupid mindl.  Oh, shit!  James told me that.  He made is so clear with is beautiful teachings.  Maybe he isn’t an asshole.  Maybe I’m the asshole.  After all that thought just popped up in my mind.  James didn’t call me an asshole.  He was just following the Isvara-generated thoughts in his mind that made sense to him, according to his understanding of Isvara

He’s in a difficult zero-sum situation, doing his best.  He’s an old man. 80 years. He has heat disease.  He still teaches Vedanta all the time without charging money.  What an interesting person!  He doesn’t seem to be worried about his health.  He got two shots and the booster and yet he’s still carrying on his Vedanta obsession like there was no tomorrow.  The vaccine didn’t slow him down.  Maybe there is no tomorrow. 

James is Isvara but it’s no big deal.  I am Isvara. Everyone living and dead is Isvara.  That’s what Krishna said in the Gita.  The Gita is Isvara’s words.  Now I get it.  The virus is Isvara.  The vaccine is Isvara.  That’s so cool!  I love Isvara.  I’m disappointed that I can’t go to Spain and sit on Ramji’s veranda listening to isvara’s Vedanta while looking out at the amazing Axarquia mountains.  Maybe I will get the jab.  Maybe I will stand up to that fear.   Or maybe not. Only Isvara knows. .  Etc. Etc.

X:  So you say that what you think about the virus and the vaccination is the (mythia) truth?

James:  Not the mithya truth, a mythya truth.  Mithya is not the truth.  Your fear of the vaccine is a mithya truth.  It is not satyaThe truth.  If you know  the difference you are free.  You are satya.  That’s why knowledge of Isvara is the key to moksa

I don’t care if you come to the satsang or not because I am Isvara,  existence shining as awareness, nothing else.  I observe two thoughts about it.  One is that I love you because you’re Isvara and the other is that Isvara is playing the fool as X….because his fear of a vaccine is standing in the way of hearing Isvara’s words in sunny Spain in an intimate setting with a few people when the chance of getting the virus is less than a tiny fraction of a tiny franction of 2%.  That’s funny.  Oh, well, he isn’t that committed to the teaching.  He will just have to read James’s email and see if he can figure it out on his own.  He’ll get there sooner or later.  God bless his pointed little head.    



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