Isness and Freaking Mithya!

Ramji, still my bubbles don’t burst.  Deflate a tad?  And I’ve been here before so I know the signs.  The protoplasm, neck and back, is demanding a break.  I can’t help right now.  It’s what it tis but I will give the protoplasm its due. 


RamjI:  I’m glad you put a question mark after “deflate a tad”  so I can indulge my guru vasana and pop the bubbles.    Here’s the issue.  The one who inflates and deflates isn’t you.  It has no neck and back.  The you bubble is inflated and deflated by Isvara.  The inflatable one sees the inflation as Isvara’s grace and the deflation as Isvara’s will but they are neither grace or will.  Inflation is.  Deflation is.  You are satya.  Therefore inflation and deflation are you, the common denominator, and thankfully you aren’t them.  

I love it when you indulge your guru vasana.  Got it! Thank you!


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