This satsang is based on a recent satsang called “Throw the Dog a Bone.”
Dear James,
Awesome, thank you! Had a feeling I was going to cop a few whacks, I really appreciate you taking the time to read through my ramble and respond honestly. The clarity is nice. I will do as you suggest.
One question, I still gave the Full Set, shall I just go back and start over with that or follow your “start here” process?
James: Do both. Read the website to get the big picture logic. You need to understand the five stages of Vedanta practice (sadhana). (1) Karma Yoga, (2) Upasana Yoga (meditation/discipline), (3) Listening (sravana), (4) Removing doubts created by the teaching (manana) which culminates in Self realization and (5)Self-actualization (nididyasana), which is synchronizing your lifestyle with your identity as Existence shining as ever-full Bliss/Consciousness/Awareness (satchitananda atma). When there is a doubt about one of the stages, watch the recommended video series. The stages are elegantly unfolded with reference to the topic of love (bhakti) in The Yoga of Love. You must start with Tattva Bodh so that you understand the terminology. You are probably pretty clear on most of it. I’ve attached a copy. All the resources anyone needs to set themselves free are available on Vedanta works. Take your time.
It so happens that the idea of steps or stages is ultimately resolved when one’s Self knowledge is firm but, because time isn’t actually real, you can work on all the steps simultaneously if you are affected by time. For instance, you shouldn’t wait to get your life in line with the teaching, the “last” stage, until you have completed the previous stages. In fact the first stage, karma yoga, requires “appropriate action” along with “appropriate attitude” so you aren’t out of stage one unless you are actually practicing the five “sacrifices” (yagnas) daily. At the same time you are practicing karma yoga you should practice meditation (the second step) plus the third and fourth steps (listening and reflecting), which are covered in the karma yoga stage as service to the teaching and the teacher. In other words, each stage should take into account all the other stages no matter which one you are focusing on at the moment. Vedanta is a complete teaching.
It is the only teaching that actually works, assuming you have a teacher, because you can’t do it on your own no matter how smart you think you are. Ignorance is way more clever than you and will frustrate you mightily. If you think you can then let Maya teach you. She will give you a lot more than a rap on the knuckles with a ruler. Anyway, you have to commit to a professional attitude. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, although you need to occasionally throw the worldly dog a bone as I mentioned. Service to the teacher involves the understanding that the teacher/teaching is always right when a doubt arises. We don’t argue. We give you the reasons and that’s it. I will write you off (in a nice way) if you become contentious or are too obtuse to appreciate my efforts on your behalf. One of the qualifications is faith (sraddha), pending the result of your reflection on the teaching’s point of view on a particular topic.
And you need to make a regular financial contribution to me according to your means. It’s not only good for you, it’s good for everyone in so far as 24/7 I serve ShiningWorld, which is a lot of people, and need money in that capacity to publish the books, videos, travel, etc. I take care of my own food, clothing and shelter.
I take my role as a teacher seriously and do it professionally. You don’t have to like or dislike me personally, just listen to what I have to say and think about it. It will serve you spiritually no matter how much irritation it causes your ego. My job description doesn’t involve busting people’s egos, although sometimes a small spanking is required. I’m happy that you took yours in good humor. If you understand what we are saying you will bust your own in so far as it needs correcting.
So that’s the deal. We need to get everything out in the open before we begin. Having said that, I am impressed with your attitude and think that you will definitely benefit from Vedanta. I think you are capable of working through most of your doubts on your own but if you really get stuck, write me and we can sort it out. I will either write a satsang or we can have a video chat.
Much love,
Amazing! Thanks so much James, the past two emails were precisely what I needed. I feel organised and clear now.
Also, made a donation earlier today, hopefully it has come through.