Consider this…
1. If you feel incomplete.
2. You will seek completion in various ways.
3. Seeking love from others is the most common way.
4. The more incomplete I feel, the stronger my desire for love.
5. Intense desire is dangerous. I am tempted to break the laws of love.
6. I may gaslight, manipulate, beg, seduce, and coerce my love object.
7. Which causes self-loathing and contempt in the love object.
8. Don’t expect or demand it. No one is required to give it.
9. Don’t try to buy it with a promise. No one is required to purchase it.
10. Don’t expect good sex to turn into love.
How to Get Love
You will have no love problems if you…
1. Know it is your nature.
2. Know it is its own reward.
3. Give it without expectation.