Shining World

Getting Rid of Doership

Hello Mr. Swartz,
You mentioned getting rid of the sense of doership. How does this come about? Thank you!

The Mind

Dear Mind,

The sense of doership resides in the mind and senses.  Nothing exists outside them except the real you,

existence shining as whole and complete ever-present consciousness/ awareness.  

Doership is the idea in the mind that “I am doing this or that” is real.  It isn’t.  For instance, where is this idea when you are fast asleep?  Where is it

when you are completely absorbed in a thought?  It is apparently real, meaning it seems to be real when you 

are thinking about it, but it is apparently non-existent or unreal when you aren’t.  A thing that is apparently real is “as good as non-existent.”

Why?  Because doership is a thought that doesn’t impact on your experience of yourself as consciousness, or awareness if you prefer.  No only doership but no thought or emotion changes the real you.  You are present as unchanging unborn ordinary awareness before thoughts appear, present when the mind sustains the thought, and present when the thought disappears.  You, awareness, haven’t haven’t changed one iota as a result of witnessing thoughts.  If you think you do change when thoughts and feelings change, you don’t know what it means to be awareness.  You are identifying with the mind i.e. changing thoughts and emotions.  While you identify you exist as an apparently real entity, meaning a normal human being and the degree to which you identify with thoughts, to that degree you suffer and enjoy.   

Finally, the real you, existence shining as awareness, doesn’t have any equipment…instruments of knowledge, desire and action…with which

to generate action.  In so far as reality is non-dual, there is only existence shining as ACTIONLESS awareness, so, whereas actions seem to 

happen, they seemingly but actually don’t happen.  They are produced by ignorance of your true nature, not your true nature itself.    

Much love,

Existence Shining as Consciousness in the form of Mr. Swartz

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