Shining World

Freedom For the Jiva?

Thank you, James.  I appreciate your support a lot.  A question came to mind.

Does a free person, a Jiva who knows it is actually existence-consciousness- bliss, does this Jiva has the ability to change its destiny?  Or is it all pre-determined, no matter if the Jiva got Moksha or not? I have a feeling you are going to say it is but it isn’t 

If I know I am actually a what, doesn’t it mean I can make better choices for my “who”?  And because I know I am God I can actually change my destiny by becoming more aligned with Gods will? 

James:  I like the way you expressed this question.  Yes.   You…the What…loving the who is the purest expression of your non-dual compassionate nature.   Susan is the most immediate and intimate object known to you.  All her thoughts are revealed in Your light.  Why wouldn’t you want to make her life align with the beauty that You are in so far as she wants to know You and be free? 

Just as the jiva is intimately known to you, God is also intimately known to you, so aligning jiva and Isvara is easy.  But it’s not correct to say “I am God” because you, Awareness, didn’t create the world.  It’s correct to say “God is me” because there is no Creator without uncreated existence/awareness.   



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