Do Unto Others…

This is a letter hectoring me about my views on the vaccine and the mendacity of politicians.

Dear James,

We are obviously on opposite sides of the fence on this one. But this is bound to happen at the relative level.  It feels like I offended the not-James. For that I genuinely apologize. And if I came across as if I was saying that you are a fool, I sincerely apologize for that as well.  That was not my intention. The intention was to inform. But I can see, and I admit that I do get a little feisty on this topic.

James: I wasn’t actually offended, just surprised that you didn’t realize that I wouldn’t be interested in political issues.  Here’s my view in a nutshell, based on your statement, “This world is an illusion. But because there is ultimately only one Reality, the world and it’s problems are also real in that sense – how could it be “outside” of the one Reality? Can there be Oneness, and then something outside of Oneness? only Brahman is real. The world is an illusion. Brahman is the world.”

If the world is an illusion then both the virus and the cure are illusions. Both the “truth tellers” and government dissemblers are illusions.  Knowledge and ignorance are only apparently real, which means not real at all.  if Brahman is the world then you and I are Brahman, which means immortal, so we needn’t worry about the world and the problems that ignorance of our true nature as limitless existence shining as awareness generates.   

Luke:  Thank you for your input, James. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. And thank you for your take on what I had said in the email below.

I know that I am the awake living presence inhabiting this body. I am not the body experiencing the Self; only the Self can “know” the Self. Another way to say it: only God sees God…. there is no “little me” to see or know anything. This Knowledge has been confirmed by direct experience here.

And at the same time, I fully concur with what you said: “Knowledge and ignorance are only apparently real, which means, not real at all.” They are co-extensive in this manifest realm. In my understanding, true Liberation is beyond both Knowledge and Ignorance. I can only know That which is beyond Knowledge and Ignorance – i.e. the One Reality – by Being It.

James:  I wasn’t sure that you understood this fact when you wrote that letter hectoring me about my views on the virus and the mendacity of politicians.

Luke:  As for the other issues again I apologize for the tone I took with you. I have absolutely no business lecturing you, or anyone else, on whether they should take a certain medical treatment or not. 

It’s interesting what can happen to one’s attitude when you turn it back on yourself. I asked myself, would I want someone telling me what I should or should not be putting in my body? No. I would not.

I know as well that there are still particular vasanas hanging around in “me” that can make an appearance now and then, regardless of what’s been realized spiritually. To be blunt, I can be arrogant, critical, and condescending (and I’m sure there are other traits that my long-suffering wife could add to this list  ;o).

For all of that I apologize…. unreservedly. I truly do wish you (and Isabella) all the best whichever direction you go.May you be well. May you be healthy. May you be happy.

James:  If you enter the social media world without a good sense of irony and indifference, you will unconsciously pick up the dissatisfaction that keeps that world spinning.  Before you know it you will cede your spirituality to cynicism and probably anger.  You will start to imagine that you are very wise because you are nobody’s fool.  You may become grandiose and imagine that you would never find yourself on the wrong side of “history.”  And although you may intellectually know that the media world is not real, some part of you believes it is real and imagines that you have been chosen to set it right. 

When the sages say that the world is perfect as it is, most people can’t understand.  When Krishna says that karma yoga produces no unwanted results you don’t connect what you’ve heard from Vedanta with your dissatisfaction with the state of Isvara’s play.  Everything that exists serves the Self in some way.  It has to be that way.  And it is the duty of an inquirer to discover the upside in the apparent downside and remain settled in wisdom, not to lecture others on their apparent shortcomings.  The only solution to the problems any generation faces is the Golden Rule, in so far as a solution is required.

Every generation thinks civilization is tottering on the brink of destruction and in a frenzy of masturbatory moral self-regard fancies itself as its savior.  But Isvara has it all under control. It knows what it is doing.  If the world needs to be “saved” it will be saved.  If not, not.  Wise people keep their heads down and cheerfully do the small duties they are assigned by the merciful creator.  They question why they question Isvara’s wisdom.  The most us small creatures can hope for is the grace to accept what is, not rail against it. 

I understand that mine is not the majority’s view, but this virus and the fear it engenders is perfect.  I welcome it.  I am dedicated to supplying the world with the only reasonable solution that works, based on Isvara’s words as enshrined in scripture.  In the fullness of time we will look back and laugh at our folly. 

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