Aleksandra:I am returning to our earlier correspondence because I’m still working on my love/sexvasana,which is an ongoing battle. I have my victories and I...
Alex:First and foremost, I just want to send my boundless love and gratitude to you and Ram. Hopefully, you will see why as you...
Vera:Just one point that sticks in the mind from the quiz – #14 – I thought and do believe that complete surrender is equal...
Silke:I have been in a relationship with a man I love very much, who has trouble being demonstrative and has not spoken about commitment....
Helmut:Dear Sundari, I have some need of clearance concerning the understanding ofjiva, Isvaraand awareness. I heard James often say that the self (awareness) is...
Theresa:How do I practicedosha drishtiwith my aversion for Donald Trump? How do I see the balancing side of my aversion? I was wondering what...
Helga:I have one quick question for you. I hope you can help me with this one: There is only one awareness that enlivens every...
Student:I am doing well here. I have recently spent a lot of time looking for the trigger of desire and fear, meaning between the...
Nick:Thank you for your response, it was very clear and strengthened my confidence greatly. I noticed in the events section that James and Christian...
Catherine:Hello, Sundari. Good to hear your news! Since my brain bleed, thejiva,Catherine, is just living an existence. She no longer has anyjoie de vivreand...