Rachel: The Mandukya Karika is a handful. Gaudapada, in the third chapter, is proving that Brahman is beyond causality, neither cause nor effect. Questioning,...
The non-dual beauty when you say:Is there an essential difference between one ray of the sun and the sun itself? It allows my mind...
Mary: I thought I would share some recent thoughts with you regarding desires and aversions. An argument with John over a very insignificant matter...
It’s notable how many people claim enlightenment after engaging with spiritual texts or having transient insights.Genuine non-dual realization—where everything is understood as a reflection...
Inquirer: I have been reading for many years about nonduality and have engaged in various practices. But I feel like I haven’t had the...
Inquirer: I experience preoccupation with death to the point that all human life seems to lead to it. But I don’t experience, and will...
Anne: What is interesting is that over these past months I have been observing and thinking about what it truly means to surrender one’s...
From the Wisdom of the Puranas Everyone fears death, but birth and death are laws of creation … It is essential for the balance...
Question: What is real is determined by thoughts. Are thoughts real? Are they long lasting, substantial, and independent? No. They are brief, immaterial and...
K: I have now read the book by James The Essence of Enlightenment. In the Dutch translation, on page 76 the following sentence is...