I have to thank YOU, Ram. I can’t thank you enough – personally speaking!!! Of course, I am also thankful to MYSELF, the SELF...
When somebody comes and listens to Vedanta, he or she should automatically gain the knowledge “I am Existence shining as Consciousness. I was never...
Inquirer: Something unexpected happened a few weeks ago. I felt “a presence”… nothing dramatic, no bells or whistles, no particular form, just ordinary, and...
Jim Carrey: “I used to be a guy experiencing the World. And now I feel like the World and the Universe experiencing a guy.”...
Depressed Person: “Everything is infinitely pointless, nobody cares how you feel, especially not the utterly cold and indifferent clockwork that drives our nightmare universe,...
Dear Ramji,After today’s satsang, I kept thinking about the relationship between Yoga and Vedanta. You know that I’m a full-time yoga teacher and have...
Inquirer: I was hesitant to write to you, partly because I assume you are very busy, partly because I do not know if or...
Fetfree: You actually can experience non-existence. And you did. If you ever blacked out for hours but it was a blink for you, closing...
UPDATE Fire near Trout Lake! It happens regularly. July and August is fire season around the world. Only covid shut us down so far...
Objector: I respectfully disagree. If life is a zero sum game then there is no true creativity, no true novelty. No where to go...