A Puppet on a String

Dear Ramji

            It was fantastic to participate in your webminar this past weekend. I really enjoyed it. Thank you and Sundari for making it happen.  Thank you very much as well for sharing with me the introduction to your commentary to the Sat Dharshanam and those couple of verses. I enjoyed reading them!

            I do have a question.  I am not sure I understand correctly the idea of the “I” that you are describing in your text.  Aren’t we are existence itself? Aren’t we the simple isness that is always present, unaffected by time and space, life and death? 

            What I mean by this is that all forms of identification (being a mother, a woman, a yoga teacher etc.) are roles the jiva identifies with and plays out when he/she interacts with the world. Those roles are not real and have nothing to do with our true nature.

            One way to understand What we truly are, is to negate or dismiss all those roles, right? This leads us to the understanding of the “I” , without attributes or qualities. This exercise reveals the real ,”I”, Awareness-Existence-Being itself. Is this reasoning correct? 

            Is it correct to say that : “I AM” equals Awareness-Existence-Being itself?  Yesterday you’ve said, that the jiva and Me, Awareness, are one and the same. The gunas are the doer, playing the apparent karma, “using the jiva” as its instrument of action. 

Dear Julian,

            Your understanding is absolutely correct!  We are that simple isness shining as awareness, nothing more.  And, yes, you arrive at that understanding simply by subtracting the roles the jiva, which is actually just a concept, seems to be playing, knowing that Isvara writes the script, creates an imaginary doer and makes it dance like a puppet on the stage of life for your entertainment.  Much love.  Say Hi to Sandy. 

Love always,


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