A Good Problem to Have

Seeker: Hi, Ramji.

I appreciate and value so much what you have brought to my life and to our little town high in the mountains. I so value the benefit of receiving direct teachings and guidance from you. I understand the importance of what you are doing; I know it’s a work of pure love. The only proper response I have for all of this is appreciation. I am finding with your guidance, and that from Swami Dayananda, that appreciation of the Lord is proper worship, communion and even proper actualization depending on one’s perspective. Appreciation covers all the bases, I think. And I find it activates, or you might say uncovers, sattva; it does for me. It’s important, as you point out in The Yoga of the Three Energies, that one not misconstrue sat and sattva. Sometimes the sattva has been pouring in (apparently) so much it’s hard to sleep. Good problem to have, I reckon.

I could go on and on, but the purpose of this email is to ask whether it is okay for me to email you directly like this, on occasion. I have ideas for things I’d like to send you once in a while, but first I’d like your permission to do so or not, as you prefer.

Ramji: Email as you wish! 

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