A Beginner and an Expert in Everybody

Question: Hi, Ramji.

You say that Kena is an advanced text and always insist on starting at the beginning. I am still working on the beginner’s material. Would you recommend me joining the Kena Upanishad Zoominar (May 16 to 17)?

Ramji: Yes, indeed. There is a beginner and an expert in everybody. You can do the advanced and the beginner’s at the same time. It is good to have your mind stretched now and then. But you shouldn’t do the advanced without doing the preliminary teaching. If it doesn’t make complete sense, just go back to the introductory material. Finally, each advanced text builds a bridge from the introductory teachings. We always start with establishing the relationship between the subject and the objects, and develop the teaching logically. At some point the connection will become clear and you will see that there is only one complete teaching that includes the beginning and the end.

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