Shining World

Self Actualization

Mike: Hey, Ramji!

I hope you are well, and please give my love to Sundari. Last night before dropping off to sleep I had an amazingly clear vision of you that popped into my awareness. Just before it happened I made a very fervent prayer to “Ram” that Self-actualization would bear fruit for myself and that I would “attain” tripti24/7. Just then almost immediately you came into my awareness driving a car or a – BUS – and the car/bus stopped dead in its tracks. Then your face filled my mind with an overwhelming bliss and also a sure-fire knowing that the Vedanta Bus had reached its destination followed!

What can I say? You, the mahatma, have fulfilled your promise in spades, and the Vedanta sampradaya’s promise is an incredible reality for anyone willing to dedicate themselves wholeheartedly. I remember you saying that whatever a mahatma says will come to pass – guaranteed.

Following this amazing fulfilling vision, many faces came into my mind and lived for a while and died over and over again. Now, whether this has anything to do with future nullified existences I do not know nor do I care, as you can imagine. However, what it shows is that Isvara is definitely a mighty intelligence that responds to a sincere call from one of its own. Many well wishes to you Ram and Sundari. I see you as God-guru-Self, my Self. This vision was so sacred that I actually feel a little apprehensive sharing it, even with you. Although thinking about it, I feel that other inquirers should know that what you say is as good as God’s WORD and will come to pass, indeed it will. So there you are, Ram. Over and out for now. God bless you and Sundari. 

Om and prem

Ram: I’m very happy you did share it, Mike. Another victory for Vedanta warms the cockles of my heart! I’m glad I could play my part, but you need to give yourself a nice pat on the back for trusting the mighty, merciful Isvara and for applying the “whole-hearted dedication” required. I was pretty sure this moment would happen sooner rather than later because I could tell that you were listening, not judging the teaching, because you had already determined its value, which is proper discrimination. I’m very happy for you!!!

Inquirers who don’t progress don’t know how to listen properly. They retain the belief that the knowledge they have extracted from their experience in life is ipso facto valuable, so they don’t actually hear what is being said. But conclusions drawn from experience need to be questioned in the light of an independent means of knowledge before they can be called knowledge. A mature person is happy to admit that he or she is unable to figure out our existential conundrum and seek an independent objective source. Once Isvara makes that source available, they get on the bus, and the bus takes them to their destination.

~ Much love, Ram

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