Shining World

A Free Person is Always Satisfied

Appreciate you taking the time to help me understand your post better.

James:  Excellent questions!

What are “ordinary immortal non-dual Awareness”, ordinary non-dual Awareness, and the Self of Self knowledge? Are they all the same?

Yes.  Keep in mind that reality is non-dual.  It seems to be a duality because the senses present the world to me, awareness, as a remote object, something ‘over there’ or “outside.”  So there are not two awarenesses, just one original awareness and the original appealing as a second awareness.  See satsangs on the Reflection Teaching (pratibimba vada).

Is there a difference between the “ordinary” awareness in step 3 vs the ones in the above question?

No. Many people can’t equate silence with ordinary awareness because they think that silence is opposed to sound; where there is sound, there is no silence.  This is the dualistic point of view.  However, for want of a better word, the word silence is used in the teaching tradition as a symbol for awareness because awareness is non-dual. You need friction between two things to make sound.  Ordinary awareness is present when physical silence is present and when sound is present.  If it weren’t, how would these opposites be known?


Why is transcending the intellect useless if you’re always beyond it?

Awareness is the factor that makes the intellect known, so it is “beyond” it, meaning “other than” it.  If you identify as awareness you don’t need to worry about your thoughts.  As awareness you are whole and complete bliss, which is completely satisfying, no matter what thoughts are playing in the intellect.   However, awareness is useless in this world; it doesn’t solve any problems.  Knowledge, however, is very useful in this world.  So God evolved the intellect over billions of years to allow the apparent person, the reflected awareness, which is associated with matter, to gain knowledge and make decisions relevant to working out its karma in the material world.  

Does being beyond mean intellect not necessary or non-existent?

The intellect obviously exists.  If it didn’t exist we wouldn’t know about it.  It is just a useful tool for dealing with the world.  It isn’t real because it isn’t always present…think deep sleep…and it changes.  Awareness is free, meaning it stands on its own.  It is your existence.  You exist when you are not thinking…again, think deep sleep.  The intellect is dependent…not free…because it can’t function without awareness.

Is the God referred to in step 6 the Christian God?

God is the creative principle that conceives, creates and destroys the world.  Some Christians see it that way. Others personify it, which is a bit primitive, but fine because it gives them a sense of security and self-acceptance.   Awareness is not creative; it is simple I.e. ordinary, just an observer…a seer…that is not affected by what it sees.  But God can’t create without awareness because intelligence is required to create so no, the Christian God is not the same.  It is similar, however. There is more to it.  If you contact me via ShiningWorld I will send you a short book that explains the value of the God idea with reference to freedom I.e. perfect satisfaction with yourself as you are at any given moment and perfect satisfaction with the world.   A free person is always satisfied.

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