Shining World

The Yoga of Love

I have to thank YOU, Ram.  I can’t thank you enough – personally speaking!!!

Of course, I am also thankful to MYSELF, the SELF that I am/you are and which I have occasionally ‘fallen into’ – wonderful experiences!!

But as is well known, all experiences slip away from us, and that’s exactly what happened also with the knowledge that eluded me and hid behind the scenes of my identifications. Guess strong vasanas need time!!

Ram: Yes, indeed they do.  It’s to your credit that you kept the fire burning and the flower blooming in your heart.

C:  At the moment, I am re-reading everything you have ever written to me personally and given to me in the form of the Vedanta teachings.

Back then, with your overwhelming clarity, you prepared the ground for realization in my individual self. The seeds you planted helped the *vasanas* fade more and more. A rather long process of clarification, but invaluable in hindsight and from the perspective of a limited personality.

The Big Picture

I can only marvel at the broad vision that is revealing itself to me since months. I don’t even like puzzles, yet the image of a gigantic puzzle comes to mind – my life – which I could never perceive or feel as a whole before. May the worst of the ‘vasana clearing’ be behind me. But who knows?!

Ram:  It’s behind you, not to worry.  I know you will keep your head down and do your *sadhana*.  I am with you 100%.

C:  In any case, I want to solidify the knowledge of being boundless consciousness. For this reason, I have ordered ‘The Yoga of Love’. That’s where IT is drawing me.


Ram: The Yoga of Love is the most advanced Vedanta text. Good choice.  IT is never wrong. You’re ready for it, by God’s grace.

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