Shining World

Talk with Your Great-Great- Grandfather or Dead Soul Mate

If death is a belief and you don’t have that belief, can you talk to your great grandfather and ask how his day went?

You can engage in conversation with your great-grandfather in the realm of your thoughts, as he exists as a concept in your mind.  However, direct communication with his physical body is not possible, as it only exists as a thought in you…awareness…here and now.  Although he is not physically present, he appears in the present as your own body, a product of the seed happily planted by his body in your great-grandmother’s womb.  Reflecting on positive memories, both Granny and Grandad experienced good days when they were sowing seeds, if you think they did.  But you will never know if they enjoyed sex because you can’t go back in time and experience what they experienced then.  You can’t go back because time isn’t real, unless you think it is.  Even if time is real, you can’t go back and forward in it because there is no movement in reality. 


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