Oh Lord!
I surrender my fears and desires at Your feet.
I don’t see you apart from me but I recognize
You as the all-pervading Light that shines as
Consciousness in the Heart of all living beings
and as Existence in all insentient forms.
I also see you as the Divine Matrix of Laws
that order all sentient and insentient
names and forms into one benign whole.
My insensitivity to Your Divine Order
exists within your order itself.
The desires and fears, insecurities and angers
that well up from my past belong to this
sacred network of forces too. Both my surrender
and my resistance are within it too.
You are the one that understands me completely
as I am. Nothing I do, positive or negative,
surprises You. You are my best friend and my
best enemy. You validate my actions and my
reactions. In your eyes I am perfect.
Without self-criticism or blame for others I
dispassionately observe my strengths and
weakness and the strengths and weaknesses
of others every day. Everything that happens
happens by your grace. Knowing that I am
always held tightly by your loving embrace
I relax completely and enjoy.