You Are Always There

Again I send you this because of the beautiful teaching from you (Ishvara) 

You wrote:

“Happiness comes down to one simple decision: Am I the Self or am I the jiva? I cannot be both. If I think I am the jiva I identify with its problems and I am unhappy. Usually, I blame someone or something for my unhappiness. If I am the Self, there is nobody but me and I dismiss the jiva for what it is: a toxic thought. I throw it out of the picture and totally ignore it. It is not me. I simply have no problems. To make that choice is always a possibility, and if you choose your true nature, any situation can be transformed.  

Unless it is adharmic, then karma yoga does not work and to be true to yourself you must make appropriate choices that are in line with your true nature both as a jiva and as the Self.”

My goodness, that is amazing!

As if reading this seems my little jiva is really better or clearer understood!!

Reading freedom which is all the time already there!!

Seeing my adharmic life and all the time it is my mind that veils my true nature!

It is in the middle of the night, and I read your mail again…understand what you wrote and give me right now a clear view! 

If I choose my true nature!! Yes yes yes! 

All the time it is the jiva that runs the show!!! So to speak 

Also, the letter you sent me from that woman talking about freedom was so beautiful and indeed Ishvara’s words! 

My goodness this is amazing 

So I am the one that stands before this totally free Me! With my ego-mind with likes and dislikes. 

Haha, of course!! 

And I thought I understood already sooo much …

But no I didn’t…or the teaching is of course the best what came into my life as you two, that makes it possible to see …all Ishvara! And I will continue to read, why not!! But not that dependent as I did but more at ease. 

How words can be sooo powerful. But then again, the way it is understood is even more beautiful! 

The hard-wired jiva, as if I look at it…and feel happiness at the same time. 

How amazing and maybe a little tricky? 

Because it’s not finished…jiva stuff continues to …

I only can say for now …

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Bless you 🙏❤️

Sundari: Thank you, I am so happy for you Sarah! Yes indeed, all that ‘stands in front of’ our true nature, the ‘I’, is ignorance, the identification with the small egoic jiva. Just one toxic thought, with so many ramifications. It seems so obvious, and we can know it intellectually, but the program is very subtle and persistent. As I have said to you before, and I know you know, it is one thing to know you are the Self as the ego, and quite another to KNOW as the Self. There is a very definite shift in perception, like the one you describe here and was described in the satsang I sent you by the inquirer in our last exchange. You finally SEE through the veil of ignorance, it parts, and there you are. As you have always been. Shining and beautiful, ever-present, unchanging, unchangeable.

And although the blades of the fan can still turn, the jiva does not disappear, you know you can always make that choice, in every situation, thought word, and deed: Self or jiva? Self-knowledge is very powerful, and though it can be obscured by residual ignorance temporarily, it can never truly be lost. Keep applying karma yoga and taking a stand in Awareness and you will not go wrong. Self-knowledge works to set you free.

Much love and many blessings for 2022


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