Turiya is No Fourth State or Any State

Somesh: If you know that in Vedanta Consciousness called as ‘Turiya’.

Sundari: Turiya is one of many terms that refer to Consciousness.

Somesh: But Vedanta claims that Turiya or consciousness is not an experience. It is reality of all experience. We cannot find Turiya independent of any experience.

Sundari: Yes, Consciousness is not an experience because all experiences are objects known to it.  All experiences happen in time and have a beginning and end. Consciousness is not in time, and never experiences anything though it makes experience possible for the jiva, the experiencing entity. Vedanta simply reveals the truth of reality with the removal of ignorance.  For instance, the fact that Consciousness is the one and only constant, non-negotiable factor.  Everything other than Consciousness comes and goes and is known to it.

Somesh: There is no fourth called Turiya or consciousness. It is reality of all things (experience)

Sundari: The confusion about the term turiya comes from a misreading of the Mandukya Upanishad, which says “in addition (to the three states) there is a fourth.”  It didn’t mean state.  It meant a fourth “factor” but it was easy enough to think it meant state if you weren’t taught the Upanishad by a proper mahatma. Consciousness is not a state because all states begin and end. Consciousness has no beginning or end, is always present and never changes. It is that which knows all states, the substrate, or underlying principle for the three states available to jivas: waking, dreaming, deep sleep.

Somesh: For example: Necklace, Bangles, Ring are made out of Gold. Reality of all apparant objects (necklace, bangles, ring) is gold. Even we can say there is just gold. But can you find Gold independently from all apparent objects (necklace, bangles, ring)? Am I right?

Sundari: Yes, you are right.

Somesh: Please respond to me on this point. If I clear this point. I will understand the whole of Vedanta. Please respond and tell me what is right?

Thank you

Sundari: It is one thing to intellectually understand Vedanta and accept what it says – that your true identity is pure Consciousness, whole, and complete, ever-present, unchanging, and non-experiencing. You are not the body/mind, the experiencing entity.  It is another matter to discriminate Satya from mithya 100% of the time.  Self-realization is the beginning of the end of seeking. Self-actualization is the end of seeking because your true identity as Consciousness never shifts.

I have attached something for you to read on sat darshanam, written by James, my husband, and teacher.  It is the final teaching on the difference between experience and knowledge. Om, Sundari

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