The Logic of Existence

Matt: Is this a true statement?:

The I that I am and that is Isvara is independent of Isvara and Isvara’s creation.

Sundari: Correct. Isvara and jiva both depend on awareness to exist, but awareness depends on nothing.

Matt: This body and mind that I know is entirely Isvara’s creation via maya and belongs to Isvara alone along with all the objects that arise in me.

Sundari: Correct.

Matt: All that occurs to it is arisen by, sustained by and dissolved by Isvara and maya.

Knowing that, I am free of it all.

Sundari: Correct. All the same, as the jiva you need to respond appropriately to Isvara as the field of existence of which the jiva is a part, which means you need to follow dharma and live karma yoga, enlightened or not, and take care of the five elements, or gross body. If you don’t, you suffer. You are only “free of it all” as the self when self-knowledge has obtained in the mind and the jiva is no longer your primary identity.

Matt: Karma yoga is just the natural response to this understanding.

 Correct. Karma yoga is the logic of existence.

Matt: Thank you, Sundari.

While I know this is just awareness as Sundari experiencing a communication with awareness as Matt, that just ain’t how it appears, and one of the dharmas in this creation is gratitude.

When in Rome… and all that.

So gratitude beyond words to you and James for being and helping.

I will hold the truth that is known until it is the most real thing in experience.

And in the meantime, do my level best as jiva to live in and by dharma.

After all, it’s a learning experience.

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