The Blind Leading the Blind

I watched the video you attached, ‘Infinite Potential’ on the life of the scientist David Bohm and his friendship with Krishnamurti. I can understand that you enjoyed it, though what it really illuminates is how confused science is about Consciousness. While Bohm’s ideas were more advanced in some ways, both he and Krishnamurti based their core philosophies on the idea that there is something wrong with the world. They believed they could ‘do’ something to save it. David Bohm believed that science could be used as a means to rectify the ills of humanity, a noble idea as science has benefited humanity in many ways. But we could also argue that though progress in science offers many solutions it has led to technology that caused many of the problems that society faces, climate change being just one.  As for changing the world, we know very well that the world is what it is because of ignorance of the fact that it is not real. Even if science figures about that the true nature of life is Consciousness, how will that help the scientist or anyone, unless they are qualified to understand what it means?

David Bohm was a visionary ahead of his time and saw things other scientists could not see or accept. The only problem was, like Krishnamurti, he did not have a valid means of knowledge. His epistemology was the senses, perception and inference, which are means of knowledge for objects alone. He had no knowledge of Isvara, the gunas, or how the Field of Existence works, as much as he tried to plumb its depths. His thinking took place in mithya, in which there are no solutions.  He did not understand Consciousness was his true nature, he saw it as an object of knowledge, not the subject.  He had no way to discriminate between satya/Consciousness, that which is always present and unchanging, and mithya, the world or that which is not always present and always changing. He had some of the pieces, but the essential bits were missing. Only with Self-knowledge and the teachings of Vedanta can we step out of duality.  Bohm was the classic example of how ignorance corrupts even the most elevated thinkers without a valid means of knowledge for Consciousness.

It is again, a case of the blind leading the blind.

Much love Sundari

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