Shining World

Summing Up the Seeming Both And of Nonduality Methodology

Rhamba: Dear Sundari,  Oh my. Hitting the nail on the head!  My goodness, you are such a wealth of knowledge.

Thank you for taking the time to speak to my question/misunderstanding by outlining fundamental concepts. 

 Sundari:  You are always welcome, dear Rhamba

Rhamba: I summed up what you said about the both/and of nonduality:

1. Vedanta provisionally accepts duality and teaches the cause and effect teaching.

2. In the discussion on what karma is, why it exists, and why it affects the jiva, we must understand the difference between the cause and effect teaching, and the non-origination teaching.

3. The Mandukya Karika is the most advanced and subtle of all Vedanta teachings as it explains why the cause and effect (karma) teaching is not the whole truth.

4. When you know you are the Self, there is no satya and mithya for you anymore, they are just concepts/principles used to teach you that you are the Self and can be discarded.)

5. Mithya ‘becomes’ satya because it was satya all along.  You see everything as just ISNESS, a direct experience of Existence as your identity, the Self.

6. Self-knowledge is not an object to obtain, it is who I am, so once moksa obtains, both ignorance and knowledge are then just objects known to me. 

Thus, with this understanding ( which is only important to me as a seeker, and not as a teacher :<)), I can language Brahman “delivers” karma to the jiva by knowing who I am, there is neither Satya nor Mithya. 

Sundari: You have summed it up perfectly.  Living it is another story!

Rhamba: Interestingly, I thought that the non-origination teachings could only be applied to more advanced scriptures, such as Mandukya Karika,  Ashtavakra Gita, Avadhut Gita.  I see now it is boot-camp understanding. I will study what you wrote and return to The Mandukya as well for further understanding.

Sundari:  Vedanta is a progressive teaching, meeting the dedicated inquirer at every level of their assimilation. It supplies us with the appropriate prakriya as Self-knowledge deepens. Good for you, that is the spirit of a true inquirer.

Much love to you too,


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