Shining World


The Yoga of Love ~ Berlin 2016 ~ Video


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A great Vedic sage, Narada Maharishi, wrote 84 verses (sutras) on the topic of bhakti. The word ‘bhakti’ is generally translated as ‘devotion’ and is reverential love directed toward God. God is one’s self, plus all the objects, sentient and insentient, in the world. Devotion is an important topic for inquirers as it is a key qualification for attaining self-knowledge and liberation (moksa). Liberation is freedom from dependence on objects. In devotional language, moksa means freedom from the need to love objects…mainly people…and consequently complete love of one’s self, limitless awareness, whose nature is love. Alternatively, self knowledge leads to moksa, the hard and fast realization that one’s nature is pure love. Love is perhaps the topic dearest to us because anyone who does not have it wants it, those who have it want more of it and are always terrified of losing it.


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