Shining World


Atma Bodha ~ Spain 2019 ~ Video + eBook


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Atma Bodha, which presents the essence of Enlightenment, was written in the Eighth Century by a great sage, Adi Shankacharya, to clarify the fundamental ideas revealed in the Upanishads, Vedanta’s source texts.  It is meant to be studied before an inquirer delves into the Upanishads proper because it teaches the whole system of Vedanta in a straightforward manner, avoiding elaborate arguments.

Before embarking upon any pursuit, spiritual or otherwise, it is important to have a solid idea about the destination.  Before we can find the appropriate remedy for the disease of samsara, we need to be clear on the diagnosis. One cannot experiment with all the medicines in the pharmacy until a cure is discovered, a timely metaphor describing the modern spiritual world. In the first five verses, Shankara makes it clear that ignorance of our wholeness is the fundamental disease.

Atma is the pure knowledge that exists apart from objects. Objects are known through thoughts but we cannot know the Self, objectless Awareness with the mind; it is too subtle.  The word bodh, refers to objective knowledge which is created when the Self comes in contact with an object.  It is born when a means of knowledge such as the eyes or ears, is operating. For instance, when we see a tree, the image of the tree enters our eyes and is processed by the mind, creating tree knowledge. The moment the thought is born, the Atma, pure formless awareness, pervades the tree and apparently assumes the form of a tree thought.

All of us already have pure objectless knowledge because the nature of everyone is pure Awareness.  In spite of this, people still suffer from Self-ignorance.  We call people who have never thought about the nature of the ‘I’ and who are caught up with objects,  samsaris, a word that refers to the suffering of people who are caught up in the rat-race of worldly life.  Possessing innate objectless Self knowledge alone is not enough for a happy life.  We need thought knowledge about the Self, the eternal subject, so we can function happily here as human beings.

This brilliant 20 hour video series was filmed in Spain in February 2019.  James presents the path of Self inquiry, the Yoga of Direct Self Experience/Knowledge, with great clarity and wit.  Watched in conjunction with the beautifully illustrated book, The Fire of Self knowledge, it cannot but reveal the truth of your being and move you quickly along your path.


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