Feedback on Psychic Invasion

Reg: Dear Sundari, I wanted to wait a while to see how things develop. Thank you very, very much for your last emails. I have read them numerous times, and my perspective on these “psychic phenomena” has changed since then. I do not label them as such anymore, but as vasanas, rajas/tamas or fears, desires or worries. I feel much better (not molested anymore) and have gained confidence and a clearer idea of my various vasanas that occasionally trouble me.

Whenever I feel worries or fears creeping up, when I am at home, I read the Song of the Self out loud. This usually helps. I have also re-established a little altar, since I have recently moved to a new apartment.

I also resumed formal meditation, and my overall peace of mind has increased a lot.

I still have some work to do, but I am glad how things unfold.

I am looking forward to your upcoming book on the gunas and I hope I can arrange to attend your seminar next year in Cadiz.

Sundari: I am so happy to hear your feedback, good for you for applying the knowledge! Self-knowledge is so powerful because it is always true and always good, in every single situation. There is nothing that can stand up to it, everything can be negated other than it. So trust it, keep applying the knowledge and stand in awareness as awareness.

You do not need permission to choose your thoughts – and nothing in mithya is anything more than a thought. When negative, fearful thoughts arise, immediately make the choice to think the opposite thought. Keep at it and it works. Take refuge in the knowledge, it is your only protection from ignorance.

I am very glad to hear that you took my advice to read the Song of the Self. It is about you, after all. It is a prayer of devotion to the truth. I am also very happy to hear that you have established an altar. Devotional practice is a very important part of your daily sadhana. It is a wonderful way to practise gratitude and brings much peace of mind.

Don’t hesitate to write if you need to us, and we hope to see you in Spain.

~ Much love, Sundari

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