If you aren’t aware of our donation philosophy please click this link before you donate. Most of the resources necessary to practice Vedanta are free on this site. But because there are many expenses we rely on you to continue to disseminate this saving wisdom. We accept onetime and recurring donations by Paypal, credit cards and bank transfers. From all of us at ShiningWorld, Thank you!
Direct Deposits – Electronic Payments – Bank Transfer
ShiningWorld Inc. is a TAX DEDUCTIBLE 501c non-profit charitable corporation licensed in Washington State, USA
Wells Fargo Bank
1800 Main Street
Vancouver, Washington,
USA 98660
ShiningWorld Inc.
Account # 6931146572
Direct Deposits and electronic payments – 125008547
USA domestic wire transfer – 121000248
All other Nationalities
Use International wire transfer (swift code #) WFBIUS6S
USA Taxable Donations for James and Isabella (Sundari)
Wells Fargo Bank
1800 Main Street
Vancouver, Washington
USA 98660
James B. Swartz Account # 7928195101
Direct Deposits and electronic payments – 125008547 (USA residents)
USA domestic wire transfer – 121000248
All other Nationalities
Add international wire transfer (swift code #) WFBIUS6S
European Direct Deposit - Taxable Donations
Bank: Cajamar Caja Rural Plaza
Carros, 1, 29170 Colmenar,
Málaga, Spain
Account Holder: James B. Swartz
Account# 4150 0700 2782 4419
NIE: Y6624748 – A
IBAN: ES34 3058 0718 3027 2001 2895