Shining World Teachers and Guidelines

feet aboutThe teachings on this website belong to Vedanta and not to me personally. Vedanta is not a religion, belief system, philosophy or a school of thought; it is revealed truth and is to be realized and understood as such. So there is never an argument.

The knowledge that you will find here is the king of all forms of knowledge because it is self shining. Other forms of knowledge do not shine on their own. But this knowledge — self knowledge — stands alone and rules all others because what you know depends on you, but you do not depend on what you know.

This rare knowledge resolves all divisions. All other forms of knowledge reinforce the duality of subject and object, the division of the knower/experiencer and the objects of knowledge/experience. It is the separation of the person you believe yourself to be and the objects of your experience — from which you gain knowledge — that causes you to experience yourself as a limited, incomplete and often inadequate being. When the knower is thought to be different from the known, each limits the other. If I do not understand that the knower is non-separate from the world, I will feel small…even though I am not small at all.

Vedanta is an ancient science of self knowledge. It is not the philosophy, beliefs or opinions of some musty ancient sages or the author, although you will find some of the author’s opinions relating to the topic of enlightenment, here. It is the result of the realization of the non-duality of all things and forty years of study of the Science of Self Inquiry.

Had you been able to solve the riddle of your existence on your own, you would have done so by now. Allow the knowledge imparted here to guide your investigation. It will certainly demystify the mystery of existence and awaken the realization of your non-separation from everything.

Rules for Vedanta Teachers

It so happens that ShiningWorld has become a successful voice for non-dual Vedanta because it is a powerful tool for transforming one’s life in harmony with the Truth. We appreciate the need of those who have received this precious teaching to communicate it to others and we support to them, assuming they don’t mix Vedanta with other liberation, quasi liberation, or dualistic teachings…Christianity, Buddhism, Neo-Advaita, Yoga, etc. and that they don’t monetize the teachings.  At the same time there are certain expenses associated with the dissemination of the teachings which can be legitimately defrayed by donations.

Donations fall under the category of visesa dharma, situational ethics. They are adharmic or dharmic depending on the state of mind of both the giver and the receiver.  Only the giver knows if the gift is unconditional and only the recipient knows if it is used for the intended purpose.  It is not wrong if a teacher who has selflessly given value uses a donation as a means of support, although financial insecurity often tests a teacher’s integrity, as do other factors, desire for recognition, power, pleasure etc.  So teachers need to be very clear about their motivations for teaching and communicate them to the people they serve.  Vedanta should never be thought of as a career, although it is only effective when it is taught in a professional way according the proscribed methodology.  It is a sacrifice.  Chinmaya’s teaching was called Gita gyana yagna, a sacrifice of knowledge, meaning that an activity is not only meaningful in itself but because of the sacrifices it entails in light of other opportunities. 

As Vedanta teachers Sundari and I try to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, so we expect people who teach Vedanta under the aegis of ShiningWorld stick to the spirit and the letter of the rules. Apart from the teaching itself, ShiningWorld is successful because we have not monetized the teaching. We have occasionally solicited donations for a particular ShiningWorld projects but not for personal reasons. We live frugally. We have a small rental income from an apartment and let the self in the form of wonderful friends  contribute to our living expenses if they so desire. We have an old home in rural Spain, the mortgaged portion of which we have converted into a teaching venue. We finance the website, books and videos, which we offer at absurdly reasonable prices, and our travel expenses…which are considerable…from donations. We disseminate these teachings as a labor of love and for no other reason.

Ramji/James Swartz

js about

My name is James Swartz and I was born in Butte, Montana in 1941. I grew up in Lewiston, Idaho and had a very happy childhood. However, the small world of Lewiston could not contain me and at seventeen I left for a military prep school in Minnesota. I spent two years in a liberal arts college in Wisconsin, was expelled for disciplinary reasons, and enrolled in the University of California at Berkeley in 1963. Six months short of graduation I ran off to Hawaii where I started a successful small business. But something was terribly wrong; at twenty six I had become an alcoholic, chain smoking glutonous adulterer and life in every respect was not worth living. One day in the Post Office in Waikiki I had a life changing epiphany that put me on the path to freedom. You can download the story of my spiritual quest to find out what happened. For more about my remarkable journey, read Mystic By Default

On Septemper 29, 2011 I married Isabella Viglietti whose spiritual name is Sundari. Sundari is a Sanskrit word the means “the Beauty that make beauty beautiful.” It is a name for the Self because the beauty that we see with our eyes and appreciate with our minds is a pale reflection of the light of Awareness, the Self.

Sundari/Isabella Viglietti

Sundari About Us Replacement

Sundari is my wife and a qualified teacher of Vedanta. She has been lovingly attending to every aspect of Shiningworld since 2012. She has taken over writing most of the satsangs on my behalf, so please feel free to write to her, but before you do, make sure that you read the requirements we set out for all inquirers.


vedamurti titel

ShiningWorld is happy to introduce Vedamurti to German speaking inquirers.  He is a board member of Yoga Vidya responsible for 8 Yoga Vidya centers and a qualified teacher of traditional Vedanta.  Here is the link to basic information in German about his Vedanta courses.

He can be contacted in German here:

Rory Mackay

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Rory Mackay is a writer from Scotland whose lifelong spiritual quest eventually led him to Vedanta and ShiningWorld. He is now dedicated to sharing the teaching of Vedanta and helping keep the flame of knowledge alive and pure.


Ben de Silva


Ben de Silva teaches Vedanta and lives with his wife, Susan, in the Blue Mountains, Australia. Having studied under Swami Dayananda, James Swartz and Swami Paramarthananda, he is completely dedicated to the teachings and upholds the timeless tradition of the sampradaya. 

Ben is open to answering questions regarding self-inquiry, and holds regular zoom satsangs, which he calls “Peace in Life, a Self-recognition”. He describes his Satsangs as follows:

“Our zoom sessions unfold the timeless teachings of Vedanta, to help us understand ourselves, both as we appear to be and as we truly are. It is a fulfilling maturation of oneself leading to Peace-Happiness within and Peace-Harmony around. The format is a presentation on zoom supported by a power-point slides which allows for both an auditory and a visual input. There will be time for Q&A at the end. The reference texts will be “Essence of Enlightenment” and “Vedanta, the Big Picture”, both available on the Shining World website. Please have a copy. Some prior general background study on Self-knowledge will be helpful for the sessions in 2021”.

Timetable for Zoom Sessions:

The sessions will be run twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, beginning from Tuesday 23rd February, 2021, and continue every month thereafter.

Time: 7.00 pm Eastern Australia Daylight Time (AEDT).

For answers to Vedanta questions, or for more information on Ben’s zoom satsangs, please email him on: 

Lucua Prakashini


Lucua lives in Pretoria, South Africa. As a seeker of truth and knowledge from an early age, she was lucky to find her first teacher just after university. Venturing through various teachings between 1997 – 2011 and subsequently giving up on “the enlightenment business” she came across the timeless teachings of Vedanta at a business course in 2012. Vedanta swiftly resolved the last confusion of Self-identity with its impeccable logic. Since 2015 she has been entrusted with a BodyTalk practice, where she focuses on guiding those who are open to it back to their true identity imparting the basics of Vedanta, while resolving health issues in the process. Lucua continues to cultivate a deep understanding of Vedanta and in 2020 clients and friends requested her to teach Vedanta. This has led to an Introductory one-year course in 2021, taught both in-person and online. Lucua gives regular talks in Pretoria and online. She is happy to answer questions via email, skype, or zoom. See her website for future courses and private sessions: 

To sign up for her Vedanta App visit her Website:

For private sessions – visit:

Contact :

Dave Reid

dave shining world

Dave Reid lives on Long Island, New York. As a lifetime seeker of spiritual knowledge, he had many profound experiences and insights, but doubt remained. In early 2020 he had the good grace to find traditional Vedanta, and his teacher James Swartz, via a YouTube series entitled “Self Inquiry Workshop.” This elegant summary of Vedanta satisfied his doubts and he has been dedicated to Shining World’s mission of disseminating non-dual wisdom ever since. 

Contact :




Kate Finn


Kate was born in Cork, Ireland and around age 21 discovered yoga following a long period of health struggles and enough frustration in the pursuits of security, pleasure and fame. She began teaching yoga asana disciplinaries in 2015 and now is passionate in offering an integrated approach to yoga and knowledge.

For Kate, the true spark ignited from the wise teachings of Vedanta through James and Shiningworld. This time-tested perfect means of knowledge set ablaze the pathless path to freedom. Kate recognises the work as a lifelong duty and blessing therefore appreciates that learning through trials and tribulations is inevitable. Those who study and work with her can expect to experience her honest and enthusiastic approach when it comes to sharing the knowledge and practices. 

Kate offers weekly online zoom classes; Tue,Wed+Thur am (Time zone Madrid gmt+2) @08.15 and 09.15 consisting of 15 min guided meditation and 30 min yoga asana. Plus regular evening satsangs. All run on donation base.

Email for more information, any questions and links.

Plus live retreats in Southern Spain. Read more information here.

Contacting ShiningWorld

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