Knowledge of Truth (Tattva Bodh)

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Vedanta is a complete systematic teaching that sets an individual free from dependence on sentient beings and insentient things. It is a word mirror that reveals the Truth, your limitless Self. You cannot experience your way to Truth because you already are the Truth. You cannot read your way to the Truth because you will interpret scripture according to your preconceived notions, prejudices, opinions, beliefs, etc. You need to be taught by a qualified teacher who is established in the Self as the Self and who had been taught by a qualified teacher. And you need to start at the beginning. Vedanta is a complete systematic teaching, a science of knowledge, that leads you from myopic personal ignorance to panoramic universal full knowledge.

You need an open beginner’s mind, which is difficult to achieve if you have been seeking for a long time. Seekers pick up plenty of ignorance masquerading as knowledge in the modern spiritual world. The impersonal time-tested teachings of Vedanta are words. Words need to be defined properly or the teacher and the taught will not be on the same page and understanding will not happen.

Tatta Bodh (Knowledge of Truth) by Shankaracharya, a great sage who lived in the 8th century, defines the terms on which all the teachings are based. If you are qualified to hear Vedanta, learn the meaning of the words as intended by the tradition and have a skillful teacher, they will systematically strip away the misconceptions and beliefs that prevent you from appreciating your innate blissful limitlessness.

This download includes two seminars taught by James, a 9 hour seminar in Amsterdam 2014 and a 10 hour seminar in Belgium in 2016. Once you have learned these concepts you can safely move on to Atma Bodh and Self Inquiry. If you fail to lean them you will have to revisit Tattva Bodh or you won’t progress and your growth will suffer.

This series is available as an online download or on a USB flashdrive.

To purchase click here: Video download / Audio download

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