James and Sundarifor Skype Vedanta doesn’t work properly without the help of a qualified teacher. While qualified inquirers will definitely benefit from the books, videos, website and seminars, occasionally questions arise that can only be resolved by personal contact with the teacher. Now that we are settled in Spain, ShiningWorld is pleased to offer donation based Skype/Zoom/Facetimesatsangs with James and Sundari. In keeping with tradition we do not charge forteaching. However, it is incumbent on dedicated inquirers to donate to ShiningWorld according to their circumstances.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.” – Swami Chinmayananda

Swami Chinmaya

Vedanta only works for mature people who know that fixing the ego’s problems is not a permanent solution, although the ego’s issues are gradually resolved in the light of Self knowledge.  We are happy to briefly hear your story to get an idea of your qualifications but only offer suggestions in keeping with the teaching itself.

Keeping in mind that we are situated in Spain (European Standard Time) we are available between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM and from 8:00 to 10:00 PM most days. To schedule, contact Sundari at sundari.shiningworld@gmail.com or James/Ramji at swartz.jb@gmail.com Once we agree on a date and time, make a donation on the website.

Contacting ShiningWorld

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