Shining World

Karma Yoga Works

Questioner: Dear Sundari and Ramji, I hope this is okay to write and tell you both what I realized I had to do to change the situation in my life with a family member, and yes, it has been a big battle and will continue on for some time to come.

When we spoke about it in last I knew what had to be done. I am amazed I could start the process, and in a recognition that I had no choice there have been a number of very difficult incidents and many more to come, I am sure, because it has only just begun.

My point is that the timely meeting with you both has transformed this whole process, and in spite of my strong rajasic tendencies, I have been mostly very quiet in the knowledge that I have no choice, and all I can do is to offer the results to Isvara as you have recommended so many times.

In spite of the chaos it has caused and the pain I am surprised by this quietness, but I know it’s because of this karma yoga work you recommended and the time sitting with you which has made such a difference.

I hope to have more time with you both in the future and I am sure I am going to need it, as I am in for the long haul on this Vedanta bus!

Sundari: I am so happy for you that you have been reaping the fruit of knowledge, which is taking the results of your excellent karma yoga attitude with equanimity, as prasad. The only way we get to experience how powerfully the teachings work is when they translate in our lives. Good for you – it takes courage to go up against “our” demons, even if we know they are not real. The field of action is neutral, karma has the value we give to it. When you know that Isvara is the only doer and allow the ego to disentangle its sticky little paws from everything, the peace of acceptance and accommodation fills the mind.

Keep up your sadhana. If you don’t have some form of devotional practice, make sure you start one, a little altar – a place of focus, to give gratitude for life. Turn your life into devotion to the Self through karma and jnana yoga.

With much love to you, and may life find you always away from the turbulence and agitation of the mithya world, in the peace-filled reality of Self.

~ Sundari

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