Shining World

Hubris or Inspiration?

Barbara:  I was introduced to Vedanta by a random guru I met at 7-11. I’ll get to the point quickly, learning who I am was a relief. I’ve tried to share it with all my clients.  So I decided to put a book creatively together so I could articulate what I’ve learned in hopes to inspire and motivate others to inquire about themself.  It’s a coffee table book, simple and maybe a book that can stir in people the desire to know who they are. I’d like to send you a copy of the book, get your opinion on it, see about copywriting it and also let you know the coffee table book that follows this one, stripping away identities of who you think you are until you get to the SELF. Then the next book gives the jiva tools to be neutral so they can understand the next book, it’s a book to help understand the basics of Vedanta and then the last book is more detailed to actualize it. I know the world needs this knowledge. I also think it can be a precursor to your expertise in teaching Vedanta. 

Sundari: We are always happy to assist people who truly understand what Vedanta is and are inspired by the teachings to pass it on. Unfortunately, very few people do understand or are qualified to assimilate it, which is why it cannot just be handed out like fast food. Even fewer are qualified to teach it without the contamination of their own ideas. Your confidence that having just found Vedanta after hearing it in a 7 /11 and thereafter turning out four ‘coffee table books’ capable of complementing James is quite something. Have you read any of his books, or followed the recommendations we give on our contact page for Self-inquiry? Have you been properly taught Vedanta by a qualified teacher? James is one of the most respected, qualified and experienced teachers of Vedanta in the world.

Barbara: Thank you for getting back to me. I did not learn it fast by any means, my story about where I met my teacher was just to express that your teacher does show up when you are ready. We continued with discussions regularly and The Essence of Enlightenment book is referred to as my bible (from my family). I listen to James’ course classes on YouTube mostly for my daily commitment and to help me still exhaust my vasanas. I wrote the book mostly for me, to explain to my family and clients what I’ve learned in a creative way. I’ve just been told I should do something with it, thought I’d run it by James. Just offering it in Isvara’s name.

Sundari: Writing is a good way to assimilate the knowledge. There is nobody to do anything for but if you identified with the doer, you think there is. I am sure you mean well, and clearly are inspired by Vedanta. There is nothing like it if the mind is prepared and qualified. If it’s not, it simply does not assimilate. Or worse, the ego grabs it under the guise of ‘enlightenment’. The mind is a tricky thing because ignorance is so entrenched. Hence the importance of qualifications.

There is nothing essentially wrong with sharing what you have learned, it can be a good thing. But though Vedanta seems simple and the basic message is, it is also extremely subtle. It is not something that can or should be forced onto anyone, no matter how good your intentions. It is your motivation for sharing that is the main thing.  We never talk about it to anyone who does not voluntarily come to us for teaching. Vedanta is not about saving anyone from anything because there is nothing wrong with anyone. There is nothing to save anyone from because the world is only apparently real. In fact, the scripture quite clearly advises against disturbing the minds of the ignorant. And it is positively against ‘do-gooders’ who think they know better than Isvara what other people’s karma ‘should’ be. Who are we to say who should know what? 

Everyone comes to Vedanta by the grace of Isvara alone, who is the only teacher. You say everyone needs this knowledge but in fact, everyone has Self-knowledge because everyone is the Self, Consciousness. Most people don’t know what this means because Self-knowledge is obscured by ignorance, the seductive power of duality, thanks to the deluding power of Maya. When the time is right and our karma supports it, we will find our way to Vedanta. If we are very blessed, we will have the good grace to find a qualified teacher. You are one of those because you found James.

Vedanta is such a powerful teaching; it is heady stuff. There are many self-proclaimed teachers who upon hearing are convinced they have a better way to teach and promptly do so. We do not encourage this because there is a person involved. Our job is to unfold the teachings according to the timeless tradition of Vedanta, but also, to protect the teachings from contamination. Much confusion and damage are caused when an ego decides to teach.

Quite possibly this is not true about you and you have the right motivation, though the way you worded your first your email makes me wonder. Maybe you have assimilated the scripture and understand what it means to teach it. We are always open to encouraging and assisting genuine inquirers. If you genuinely do have a gift for teaching, Isvara will help you nurture it. I don’t know about the content of your coffee table books but your titles are catchy. We will only be able to tell when we read your books. Feel free to send them, we will give you honest feedback. If they are any good, and our standards are high because they have to be, we will tell you so.

Just remember, there are no ‘authors’ in Vedanta. You may think you can copyright what you write, but you got it from James, who got it from his guru, and so on since time immemorial. Nobody owns Self-knowledge because it is the nature of Existence. Everything belongs to Isvara.

Om Sundari

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