Shining World

There is no “In”

Dear James, Rheinheart, from the Bad Meinberg Seminar couple weeks ago.

I’m following the teaching and doing my self inquiry every day, watching the videos on the hard disk and Contemplating about it. It really gives my Jiva a lot and the non-dual Vision gets brighter and brighter! So big thank you and thanks to the teaching!!!

Here’s my question, where I’m stuck right now.  In one teaching it is said, that if me, the self is the mirror – none of the Objects can be in me – they can only appear on me/ to me.  Because if they would be in me, I couldn’t see them.

So I understand it like this, that it seems like the Objects are all in me – but they aren’t inside me. So they just appear on my surface, but can’t touch the inside of me – because then I wouldn’t be pure.

JamesCorrect!  Freedom is knowing that nothing can come in from the outside to change you for better or for worse.  It’s totally security. 

And in this context you are saying that all the Objects appear to me – but a couple Minutes later you are saying, It’s all in me (as the self).

James:  “In me,” in this case, means that it is known to me.  I am aware of it…thoughts and feelings, for instance…but they don’t change me, awareness.  I am the same before, during and after the experience is gone. 

At some Point yes it’s all me, because I am everything  – so it’s all in me, and at another Point at the same time, it’s not in me – because it can’t be in me, because I can’t be touched.

Not quite sure if I understand it right, or leaving something out. The inference is, it is all seemingly in me, but in reality it isn’t.

James:  You have it right, Rheinheart!  It seems paradoxical but it isn’t.  

And I haven’t been in there as well. 

James:  The problem is the preposition “in.”  If reality is non-dual there is no time and space so there is no in and out.  So the word “in” should not be taken literally.  It is a metaphor, a figure of speech.  The word “Eknath” only refers to Awareness.  There is no other conscious entity.  The word “James” refers to the same entity.  James and Eknath aren’t “real” people.  They refer to “thought people,” meaning that they refer to a long stream of experiences that are meant to summarize the life of the body and mind, but fall short.  You are always “beyond” the body and mind. 

Much love,


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